Careers Information

Mrs Bryony Lindley

Mrs Bryony Lindley

Careers Leader

‘Work Ready’ Curriculum at The Bridge Academy

Onward transition planning, to ensure students have a suitable careers education, are a big focus at The Bridge as we want every student is ‘School Ready, Work Ready and Life Ready’. We provide quality careers education, advice and guidance to help develop our students’ values, skills and behaviours. Our careers programme is subject to ongoing monitoring and evaluation and is mapped to the Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance which include:

GB1. A stable careers programme

GB2. Learning from career and labour market information

GB3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

GB4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

GB5. Encounters with employers and employees

GB6. Experiences of workplaces

GB7. Encounters with further and higher education

GB8. Personal guidance


1. A Stable Careers Programme

All students experience regular dedicated careers lessons. In Year 11 this is a weekly timetabled lesson. In Year 10 and KS3 these take the form of drop-down days and RAISE time activities. We aim to have at least one dedicated careers lesson for Years 7-10 per half term. Careers information is also covered within the PSHE curriculum. All members of staff speak regularly both formally and informally to students about their next steps, career prospects. We utilize knowledge of individuals to ensure we provide appropriate support to enable all students to progress successfully.

2. Learning from Career and Labour Market Information

Students have the opportunity to explore labour market opportunities within their one-to-one career’s meetings and as part of their career lessons. Students will explore a range of different careers and learn about pay and opportunities in the local area putting them in a better position to make informed choices about future study and training. Students in Year 10 and 11 visit local careers and apprenticeship fairs giving them the opportunity to speak to local employers first hand.

3. Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil

At Key Stage 4 all pupils get dedicated one-to-one time, with a qualified Careers Advisor, to explore and research their own career ideas. We will adapt our plans within curriculum areas to suit each individual, for example a pupil who was interested in mechanics inspired a visit to a local car restoration workshop as part of an art project. Where we have several students interested in a particular career path we will aim to provide them with a visit to a relevant workplace or a provide a workshop with a relevant industry. All members of staff speak regularly both formally and informally to students about their career prospects. We utilize knowledge of individuals to ensure we provide appropriate support to enable all students to progress successfully.

4. Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers

Staff at the Bridge regularly talk to individuals and groups about career opportunities within subject areas. Career and apprenticeship posters are displayed in classrooms and are used as discussion starting points. Staff utilise a range of relevant online resources to link careers to subjects areas within lessons. All subject areas have mapped out in their curriculum, how learning can be linked to careers and transition planning for next steps.

5. Encounters with employers and employees

We will often outsource different employers and visiting speakers, to come into school and discuss their career pathway and what skills students need to be able to consider a career in this area. We also run different visits which have included SPV Training in Aldridge to learn about careers in the roofing industry. A STEM workshop with the British Army has also been hosted at our Academy, to involve students in practical activities and students have had encounters with several local employers at the National Careers and Apprenticeship Event.

6. Experiences of workplaces

Where appropriate some KS4 students have work placements at a local business. If students are not ready to have a work experience placement we will make sure they have some experience of visiting a workplace, to help prepare them for future work and study. We aim to find funded opportunities for our students to experience workplace related learning. In the past we have used agencies such as the Youth Employment Academy, Pilot IMS and Quality Transport Training. We have also recently been working closely with Amazing Apprenticeships and Home Serve as part of their ‘Try a Trade Programme’ which aims to introduce students to a range of trade careers.

7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education

We have developed strong links with local colleges and regularly take students to look around and view appropriate courses to give them a taste of further education. Students have the opportunity to talk to staff from local colleges and Universities at local and National Career and Apprenticeship events. We often support students at Open Events, as part of their transition planning. We promote regularly the open events at Post 16 Education and Training Providers within the academy, and encourage KS4 students to attend.

8. Personal Guidance

At KS4, students have regular meetings with our Careers Advisor who offers guidance to students and works with them to create personalised Careers Action Plans. They will also have regular one to one time to discuss and act on their Careers Action Plans with the school careers leader. Plans will be shared with parents and guardians to encourage good communication about students’ future destinations.



Gatsby Benchmarks at The Bridge Academy


A Stable Careers Programme

Learning from Career and Labour Market Information

Addressing the Needs of Each Student

Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers

Encounters with Employers and Employees

Experiences of Workplaces

Encounters with Further and Higher Education

Personal Guidance

Work Ready Curriculum







Bespoke KS4 lessons









Daily RAISE time









Careers advisor appointments






Work experience







Mentoring – 1:1 and small group






External visits to colleges.






External visits to workplaces







Enrichment Experiences









Visiting Speakers









Transition Planning Forums










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