In KS3 we offer a holistic academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to all pupils and includes all aspects of school life. We set high expectations for all our pupils and plan the curriculum to extend our pupils knowledge and experience through a variety of subjects. Our curriculum is taught through English, Maths, Geography, History, Art, Media, PE, Outdoor Education, Cooking and PSHE. The curriculum is based around character which is broken down into four key areas. These key areas are effort, responsibility, consideration and resilience. Pupils will reflect each week on these four areas and be able to see their progress made over time here at The Bridge Academy.

We get to know all our pupils pastorally and teach them about how to conduct themselves in and around the centre and on off-site activities. In KS3 we frame our conversations around choice and consequence and work very hard to form positive relationships. We are very mindful of using a restorative approach to maintain relationships and teach pupils appropriate ways in which to resolve conflict.

We aim to move our KS3 pupils on to an appropriate provision whether that is a mainstream school or in a specialist setting.

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