It gives me great pleasure in welcoming you to our website. We are an all through 5-16 Short Stay School based on 2 sites in Lichfield and Rugeley and cater for up to 15 Primary and 50 Secondary students. Our students have either been permanently excluded from their mainstream schools or come to us on short term, preventative placements. 

We are extremely proud of our School and believe that all students deserve a chance no matter what circumstances they find themselves in. Our vision is to set no limits for our young people – we strive to offer limitless opportunities for them to be successful and we are relentless in our support for them.  

Our curriculum offer is designed specifically to enable our students to progress in their next steps of education. At Key Stage 1 and 2 we run small nurture groups and deliver a curriculum based on explicit teaching of social skills combined with literacy and numeracy. We run interventions in Phonics and SEMH programs. Our vision is to reduce stress for pupils using routine and structure and to establish positive relationships and a feeling of safety to enable the learning process to be accessible.

At Key Stage 3 we offer an alternative curriculum which focusses on relationships, resilience and communication skills. Alongside more traditional subjects such as English, Maths and History, we strive to identify the barriers that our students are experiencing and aim to give them a toolkit to deal with situations in a better way. The main aim of the KS3 curriculum is to reintegrate back into mainstream school. 

At KS4 we offer a core curriculum of English, English Lit, Maths, Statistics, Creative Media and Art. The majority of KS4 students will stay with us until the end of Year 11 and our main aim, as part of our comprehensive Careers support, is for students to go onto appropriate post 16 courses. 

We are extremely ambitious for our School and Learners. We provide outreach to our mainstream partners and have developed a strong and supportive ethos with our local Schools. 

We are always trying to improve and welcome visits from anyone who has an interest in Alternative Provision and providing for vulnerable learners. If you would like to visit, then please get in touch and we will be happy to show you around our wonderful School. 


James Morris

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